Welcome to Emerging Infections.net!

Thanks for visiting our site.

We hope that this online resource for Orlando Health Team Members will serve
as a single learning resource for the range of emerging infections that threaten our communities and negatively impact our health systems. 

We aim to provide you any and all essential information related to
emerging infectious diseases, including links to other reputable online resources
that provide more detail. So we invite you to visit us as often as you want to learn and explore the latest information on many different infectious diseases that are either
newly emerging or re-emerging - at the state, national and global levels.

Click the button below to access Orlando Health SWIFT Links:

Go to our About page to learn how this site is set up, including what new areas and topics we’ll be developing over this coming year. As we evolve and improve, based on your feedback (coming soon!), we plan to give you even more information to be empowered and protected with the right knowledge to keep you informed, safe and better able to care for patients!

We will always try to have a ‘featured’ pathogen – the story of the week or month.

Featured Pathogen:
The pandemic novel virus - SARS-CoV-2, and the cause of the disease COVID-19!

Featured Reading:
How the Pandemic will End - The Atlantic

Additional information available under COVID-19 tab.

Questions or Comments? Contact Us!